ಮಿನಿ ಪ್ರೊಜೆಕ್ಟರ್ | Mini Projector for ₹1499 only..!

Mini projectors are compact devices that can project images and videos onto a screen or wall, offering portability and convenience for presentations, movies, and more. They come in various types, including

  1. LED Mini Projectors: Often bright and energy-efficient, they use LED lights and are good for indoor use with moderate ambient light.
  2. DLP Mini Projectors: Utilize Digital Light Processing technology, offering good image quality and brightness. They’re often used for more detailed and vibrant projections.
  3. LCOS Mini Projectors: Liquid Crystal on Silicon projectors provide high-resolution images and are known for their excellent color accuracy.
  4. Pico Projectors: Extremely compact and often fit in a pocket. They’re ideal for on-the-go use but may have lower brightness and resolution compared to larger models.
  5. Smart Mini Projectors: These come with built-in operating systems (like Android) and apps, allowing you to stream content directly without needing an external device.

About this item

  • ☀ Gif.t fo.r Chil.dren: Mi.ni proje.ctor i.s a mu.st ha.ve pro.duct fo.r chil.dren t.o wa.tch cart.oons an.d vid.eos, whi.ch i.s ve.ry pop.ular wit.h chil.dren. Wh.en vie.wed fr.om a dista.nce wi.th a pro.jector, i.t ca.n proj.ect a maxi.mum o.f 170 inc.hes (Recom.mended 50-100 inc.hes). Keep.ing child.ren awa.y fr.om mo.bile pho.nes and iPa.ds can pro.tect chil.dren’s ey.es.
  • ☀ Sma.ll and Port.able: Mi.ni vid.eo proj.ector i.s sm.all and por.table, an.d ca.n b.e carr.ied i.n a po.cket o.r ba.g. Ev.en chi.ldren ca.n ho.ld i.t eas.ily. Y.ou ca.n enj.oy mov.ies, vide.os and gam.es n.o matt.er at ho.me o.r i.n th.e out.door court.yard, tra.vel, camp.ing a.nd oth.er locat.ion.
  • ☀ Mul.tiple Inter.face: Sm.all proje.ctor i.s equip.ped wit.h mult.iple po.rts, inclu.ding HD.MI, US.B, au.dio an.d oth.er inter.faces. It c.an b.e eas.ily conne.cted to multi.ple med.ia devi.ces, su.ch a.s TV bo.xes, lapto.ps, deskt.op com.puters, dig.ital came.ras, HD.MI-ena.bled devi.ces t.o pl.ay vid.eo, T.V ser.ies, pho.tos sha.ring an.d ga.mes etc. N.o wi.fi, n.o blu.etooth. If yo.u do.n’t kno.w ho.w t.o con.nect, p.lease con.tact o.ur custo.mer ser.vice.
  • ☀ Pow.er Ba.nk sup.ply: T.he mi.ni por.table proj.ector i.s pow.ered b.y a po.wer ada.pter (do.es no.t ha.ve a bu.ilt-in ba.ttery), I.t ca.n al.so b.e powe.red b.y mobi.le pho.ne char.ger, c.ar char.ger or po.wer pa.ck v.ia mi.cro-US.B inte.rface (ne.ed t.o sup.port 5V/2.5A), en.joy any.time, any.where!
  • ☀ PERFOR.MANCE: 400 Lum.ens; Sup.port resol.ution:1080P; Asp.ect ra.tio: 4:3 or 16:9; Proje.ction dist.ance: 1-3m; Proje.cion si.ze u.p to 60 inc.hes. Bu.ilt-in spea.ker prov.ides auth.entic soun.dtrack ma.kes i.t a won.derful sou.nd enjo.ym

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